Looking for the best Realtor in Orlando FL? I believe that I am the best Realtor in Orlando FL or the surrounding area. Granted it depends on how you define the top Realtors in Orlando. I am using instead the basics of what most clients look for in a Realtor. Namely local knowledge, properly licensed, years of experience in legal forms ( I am not an attorney), accessibility by the clients and willingness to understand that it actually is not about me. Our interactions are about you, your family and making sure you find the best available home at the best price. If you are selling, then making sure you get the most for your home, with the least amount of hassle and in the shortest time possible.
I have decades of experience in Real Estate and residential housing. I actually started off a carpenter in the early 1980's and have built everything from residential homes to high rise office buildings. I have purchased and flipped more than my fare share of homes and actually been on both sides of "Housing Booms and busts". However that alone does not make me The best agent in Orlando Fl. As for licensing I have passed not only the State Realtor licensing exam but in addition I have passed the Broker exam both with near perfect scores and on the first attempt. Not due to being super smart but rather due to my work and study habits.
I hold numerous advanced education and training certifications. The most difficult was the National Association of Broker price Opinions. The longest and typically most sought after certification was the GRI or Graduate Realtor Institute. Both offer a tremendous amount of practical training to help assure I deliver to you nothing but the best quality of service.
I have also been a licensed Realtor in more than 1 state. In fact I was the highest selling rookie agent in Coldwell Banker world wide for an entire month. My first sale ever as a Realtor was a complicated Dual Agency sale and both clients are still friends with me to this day. One of the competing bidders who lost out on the home was an attorney who attempted to interfere, and lost out because everything was done perfectly and much to my then Brokers satisfaction.
Yes I have filled out forms for decades in the career paths that I have chosen. However above all I figured out long ago the most important thing a Realtor needs to know. No body cares how much you know until they know how much you care. It is not about us, it is about the client and the clients experience. You as the client are the one making the most expensive purchase in your life, we are just along to assist, understand and protect when necessary.
Being one of the Top Realtors in Orlando FL you should be ethically sound. I do not grow my business through telemarketing. It is no secret to those who have had a home fail to sell that their phone erupts the day after their contract with the company which is trying to sell their home ends. I personally find this deplorable. I do not grow my business with telemarketing, bulk emails or even targeting specific groups with mailings. I get all of my business by you looking for me. I do not bother people to get their business.
What are buyers and sellers looking for today? A real estate seller, or a person with a home they wish to sell wants someone who knows how to properly market their home in the 21st century. That is the internet. Trust me there is a lot more to selling a home than just punching in some information into the MLS and waiting on buyers to call about it. We operate some of the most dominant websites in central Florida. Google searches will prove that. In fact if you search for most of the larger communities in the Orlando area this site, or one of our others will likely be on page 1 or 2 of your search results. If a Realtor can not boast of that, maybe they should work for us. Thousands and thousands of people visit our sites to view homes every month and we are continuing to grow. Contact us today about marketing your home.
Buyers of real estate, specifically buyers of residential real estate are hoping that the Realtor they choose is familiar with the area, and community. We prove this on a scale that is unmatched in the area. There are hundreds of community pages on this site alone. Each of those pages methodically designed and researched to provide the most pertinent information available to potential buyers. I typed every page, looked up every fact and many times counted every home in a community. I seriously doubt there is any other Realtor in central Florida who has researched as many communities, cities and areas as I have. Best of all like I have stated. It is all about, and for you the consumer or seller. We do not require registration on this site. It is free to read and learn from. We want our buyers to be the most comfortable and well informed as they choose to be. Below are some examples and there are more linked to above.
We offer our services to buyers, renters, sellers and those who choose to rent out their homes or investment properties. I work for Morris Realty and Wendy manages not only the best real estate office in all of central Florida but manages a large group of rental properties. If you wish to look at we offer to potential landlords contact us about property management.
My favorite way to assist home buyers is getting involved as early as possible. I have showed buyers 1 home, never met them before and they purchased. That of course is awesome but very rare. Most buyers in today's market, especially foreign investors start very early. They research the communities, the types of homes available, resale statistics and potential rental income. Those same buyers may visit the area 2 or 3 times before deciding on a specific home. If that sounds like you then I guarantee we are the best company in this entire area for you to contact today. Reserve the time of a local professional to show you the area and the proper homes for sale to satisfy your wants and needs. Oh, by the way I charge you nothing and take only what the seller has already agreed to pay. How awesome is that?
If you had the tools that we have there is no way you would ever use Zillow or any of those online services. Quite frankly they stink and are just to time consuming to learn to use. We can research and email you all of the public records and history of a home in about 1 minute. I do it for clients all of the time. I can also research the sold homes in a specific area during the dates I choose just as quickly. Information like that can save a buyer thousands of dollars and we do it for free when we assist you.
I will not go into what special things we do to sell homes. I will give you some of the things I do not do that realtors hate. When I list a home to sell I pay the buyers agents 3%. Why? It is actually supply and demand. If a Realtor is going to show the homes they choose, obviously they are in a business and will sell the homes which allow them more profit. I will never do anything to lessen the likely hood of potential buyers to visit the home. Seeing this website is as powerful as it is shows we understand internet marketing and getting your home the maximum potential visibility. Knowing the tools of the trade makes us the proper choice to sell your home.
Thank you for reading this shameless self promotion. I hope this is the last time you read about me bragging about our company and services. Truly our interactions from this point forward should be only about your wants and needs as a client. I just wanted to take a moment to share why I am The Best Realtor in Orlando FL.
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