If you do not have a Realtor in Winter Garden FL then you are likely searching for the best Real Estate Agent in Winter Garden FL. You need look no further because that would be me. Of course it depends on how we reach that conclusion, so please allow me to explain why.
There have been several companies research what people look for when deciding on what Realtor to use. I will list them and then explain how I rate.
This is typically what an agent is called when they work with/for a buyer of real estate. They need and are expected to have the following.
Let's start with local knowledge. Not everyone who is purchasing a home already lives in the area. Often our clients often come from other cities, states or even countries. We as Realtors are rightfully expected to have a more than basic knowledge of the area we are working in and be able to quickly find the answers we may not be able to immediately recall. I have placed some of my local knowledge out for public view and inspection at Winter Garden FL Homes For Sale. There you will find much information about the city, area, nearly every community in Winter Garden FL and the homes for sale in them.
Nothing is more annoying than a Realtor who will not return calls or emails. Actually even Realtors complain about other Realtors not being accessible when you need them.. We make our living by communicating with other Realtors and our clients. My telephone number is on every page and I answer it all day long. I also receive multiple telemarketing calls every day. I still will answer and return calls normally within 5 minutes. Obviously if you and I are having a conversation you would not want me to interrupt it to take a sales call. However 99% of people understand you calling someone back when a conversation temporarily ends.
You are about to make one of the largest purchases of your life. It is kind of like financial surgery. You want someone you can trust and who has not only been there before but done well at it, and is appropriately licensed. I have not only passed the Realtors exam and been licensed in multiple states but I have also passed the States Real Estate Broker Exam. I am licensed to run an office. Thankfully, I actually do not. I work for an awesome broker named Wendy Morris who also works in Winter Garden and Windermere Fl.
I have performed priced homes for banks and assisted clients for many years. And experience is on our side.
A Seller's agent is what a Realtor is called when they find and list properties to sell. This is also a specialty and actually how I started off my Real Estate career. A great Seller's Agent should have the following attributes.
Nearly 60% of people will research homes and communities online before contacting a Realtor. I will not give away any trade secrets but there are ways to get a listing a greater presence online than most agents are aware of. If you google the names of the communities in Winter Garden FL we are usually on the first page of the search results. There is much more to it than that, but that does speak volumes.
The average agent simply enters the home into the MLS and hopes it sells. A little know fact is you can get in depth sales training on how to convince sellers you should get the listing. The training includes most of the conversation that can take place between a seller and the agent trying to get the listing. There are some great listing agents out there and I am one of them. However there are many who commonly get listings who could benefit from some tutoring. Many agents are much better and more trained at getting listings to sell than actually selling/marketing the homes
As a listing Agent you will get calls, emails and text message quite often if you have done your job anywhere close to correctly. You have entered into an agreement with someone who has trusted you with the sale of not only their home, but potentially an amount greater than their life's savings. The client has the right to expect you to answer those inquiries. Not to mention that unwanted call may be your next paycheck. I answer my phone even on vacation, it is how I paid for the vacation and there is a great chance I want to take another one later.
This is the toughest thing for new agents to master and honestly most never do. Some sellers just refuse to market their home at a price that it will actually sell. It is their home, to the buyer it is a house not unlike the ones they have already looked at. Taking a home that is priced to high is cruel to the seller and not good for the housing market either. What happens to the seller when the home does not sell is terrible. The day after the contract to sell the home expires they will likely get many, many calls by unscrupulous agents calling them for their business even if they are on the do not call list.
The Seller's agent is hoping that the seller will get worn down and lower the price to where it will sell. Or the Agent does not know how to effectively price homes. While not a licensed appraiser I have priced homes for banks and been paid to do so. I can know fairly easily what a home will or should actually sell for. This is even easier if the home is near the average or median price for an area. If this sounds reasonable to you, contact us today and enlist the services of the best Realtor in Winter Garden FL.
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