Lakeland Florida is a city located 1/2 way between Tampa FL and Kissimmee FL. Lakeland FL is found both on the north and south side of Interstate-4 which is one of the reasons so many people are more attracted to is as apposed to some of the neighboring cities.Interstate-4 or I-4 allows the cities commuting residents and weekend travelers to commute toll free to the attractions in Orlando and Tampa Florida. Both Locations can easily be reached on a typical day in less than 1 hour although Tampa is much closer.
The Weather in Lakeland FL is incredible. In the summer you can expect to see temperature changes of about 20 degrees between the daytime hours and the lows overnight. The typical day will be over 90 degrees in the summer and no cooler than 70 degrees in the evening. This part of Florida is north of Lake Okeechobee Florida and is at about 193 +/- above sea level. Like most of Central Florida there is a lot of lakes in the area and yes it is humid.
In the winter months this area truly shines. The afternoon cool down to the 70's and the evening in the 50's allowing you to save some on those air-conditioning bills and get outside to enjoy long walks in the middle of the day. If the weather was like this every day very few people could afford to live here. Most of the days in the fall and winter it rains very little and you will actually need to cut your grass every 3-4 weeks instead of weekly.
The homes for sale in Lakeland are covered very well on this site. However we have another site that specifically covers Lakeland. It is and you will never find a better or more informative one about that city or area. I will give you some numbers below that will show the median prices for homes there. A quick explanation because some are not familiar with the difference. We use the median price which is determined by taking all of the homes that sold and placing them from low to high. When you have the total number you simply look at the home price in the middle and use that price. Most people will pay very close to that price and it is not drastically effected by a really low or high purchase like the average value may be. Over the previous year those median prices were the following.
Those prices were rending upward significantly until November. The market does actually slow during the holidays for obvious reasons. Contact us for an update or assistance through this site or the one mentioned above. Both are operated by me.
Lakeland FL's restaurants are just as good as anyone's for the most part. True you can find more and a wider variety in Tampa or Orlando but we have very similar ones here. Keep in mind Lakeland is a city with a population of 112,641 in the city limits and well over 500,000 in the greater metropolitan area. Many of the homes in this part of Florida are lakefront and very expensive. Ad to that many of the local residents are 55+ and will let a company know if their service was poor or food was bad.
If you live in North Lakeland FL most of those restaurants will be on or very near US-98. US-98 is lined with stores, restaurants and service providers for around 4-5 miles north of Interstate-4. In Southern Lakeland FL you will find most of the restaurants in FL-37 and I have no idea how many there are bit I would definitely say there is enough of them and the variety is sufficient. I am sure there is room for one more really good one because isn't there everywhere?
Lakeland is in Polk County Florida. Polk County Florida is rather large and this is the best part of it. The County Seat of Polk County FL is located to the south of Lakeland and is called Bartow FL. Hillsborough County borders Polk County on County Line Road which is immediately west of Lakeland where Plant City is found. Polk County does allow short term rentals however the city and communities often restrict them. In Lakeland most homes are leased for atleast 6 months and the property tax rates are similar to most of Central Florida.
There are about a dozen zip codes for Lakeland FL. The most searched on Google is 33810 which is located in Northwest Lakeland FL. You can dee a detailed break down of the zip codes on our other site which covers Lakeland in detail including the individual zip codes. 33809, 33803 and 33813 follow 33810 in popularity and in that same order.
The downtown area is seen in the photo above. It is located just south of I-4 and actually very nice. There are some great parks located downtown and of course numerous restaurants. You can park there fairly easily during the day, get out and walk around safely. You will notice buildings like Lakeland Electric, the local hospital and the government building pretty much dominate the skyline. The historic portion of Lakeland FL is just to the south of the downtown area.
There are many great things about this city. The history is interesting but you can read about that at a later date if that matters to you. I would like to share just a little bit more about the area that may be helpful if you are considering moving here. You can investigate the parks, restaurants, government offices and local utility companies all at trust me there is a lot of information, videos and photos on that site. In addition to Lakeland consider investigating Auburndale FL and Winter Haven Florida. They are both relatively nearby and growing rapidly. Of those three I believe most people will choose Lakeland Florida.
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