Because they are safe and well fed there are many swans in Lake Eola. Not to mention Eola Park is in downtown Orlando Florida where the weather is duck friendly other then the hottest summer days. You will see a lot of ducks, swans and swan boats at Lake Eola Park.
The first swans were introduced in 1922. An Englishman brought them here from Lake Lucerne which is a little over 1/2 of a mile to the south. Two breeds were having a territorial conflict and some were brought to Lake Eola Park. The rest is feathered friends history and now over 60 individual swans reside here most with their own health record being maintained.
Actually there are only a 3 common swan types in North America. The Trumpeter swans, Tundra Swans and Mute Swans. At Lake Eola you will see some breeds not normally seen in the wild. There are Black Neck swans, Whooper swans, Royal mute swans and Australian black swans usually out doing swan things. You will also see various species of ducks. On the east shore of Lake Eola there are feeders & food you can purchase to feed them which the city of Orlando allows.
Swan Boats can be rented which will allow you to paddle out by the Allen Memorial Fountain. These boats are on the northwest side of lake Eola near the Walt Disney Amphitheater. If you want to see the Lake Eola swans from your boat paddle over toward the east shore and Japanese Rock Garden. Lake Eola's swans seem to prefer it there.
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