Wintermere Pointe Winter Garden FL normally has homes for sale. Wintermere Pointe is a well established and respected community here in Winter Garden. Not only for its attractiveness but for its location and pricing.
Normally the homes in Wintermere Pointe sell for around $575,000. However there are some homes in Wintermere Pointe that are more expensive. Wintermere Pointe is also located near several golf clubs available in Central Florida. Isleworth and The Golden Bear to just name a couple.
As far as shopping for groceries from either Publix or Target are never far when you live in Winter Garden Florida. For upscale shopping, you can visit Winter Garden Village or hop on the Turnpike and be anywhere in the greater Orlando area in just minutes.
When viewing homes for sale in Wintermere Pointe it is always best to be pre-approved for your loan unless paying cash. We can assist with that. The loan officer I prefer is also a realtor, has her Master’s Degree in Business Administration, pays attention to detail, scheduling and is she an excellent communicator. Contact us today about any homes for sale in Wintermere Pointe.