Country Club Estates Orlando FL is 4 miles Northwest of downtown Orlando FL. It is on the North side of West Colonial Drive. The Country Club of Orlando and Spring Lake are on its North side. Country Club Estates rarely has homes come up for sale. Most of the homes are older and affordable however there are some homes here that approach the 2 million dollar range. There are just under 100 homes in this community.
Normally with 100 homes in a community you will have 6 homes sell every year. This community has almost exactly one half of that. The owners rarely sell homes here. The location is really popular, there is a lot that is desirable in the area and some of the homes are very nice. Most people drive right by on Colonial and never even know what is just north of them.
Find out the schools here. Or call 407.317.3233 last time I checked the schools for this community were Lake Silver Elementary, College Park Middle School and Edgewater High School. Always double check this information. If you use me as your Realtor I will gladly recheck for you whenever you ask. This site also offers several tools for confirming the information.
Finding a home in popular locations can seem challenging at times. If you are interested in a specific type of home in Orlando or the greater Orlando area reach out to us. We will listen to your wants and needs and get busy finding a list of options for you. Soon the list will be narrowed down and you will have the perfect home. There are several nearby lakes and communities to choose from. Hopefully the timing is perfect you will look below and find the perfect home here. Below are the Country Club Estates-Orlando FL homes for sale.